Check Student Grades

Jupiter Grades Log-in:

Jupiter Grades allows parents and students to check up to date grades for all classes and monitor a student’s academic progress. If you have any questions about grades, please contact the teacher.

Progress Reports:

One way of monitoring your student’s progress is reviewing the Progress Reports and Final Report Cards. In the Fall semester, students receive a 6-week and 12-week Progress Report, and in the Spring semester, students receive a 6-week and 12-week Progress Report (as listed in the “Important Dates to Remember” document).  Final Report Cards are given to students on the last day of the Fall semester in December and then in June for the Spring semester.

Important Dates to Remember:

If you have not already downloaded your copy of “Dates to Remember“, please feel free to download and print a copy here (link to school’s dates to remember page). Copies are available in the main office.


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