
California College & Career Access Pathways

The California College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Program at Southwestern College is an Advanced Scholastic and a Career and Technical Education Program that allows high school students in 9th through 12th grade to apply for dual enrollment at Southwestern College (SWC).


Open Enrollment Window for all Student Intradistrict Transfers will be open from:
January 29 – March 1, 2024

To better support you, please send all student inquiries/questions to:


Credit Recovery

Get ready to seize the opportunity for Credit Recovery! We’re excited to announce our upcoming Credit Recovery sessions scheduled from February through March. Whether you’re looking to catch up on missed credits or enhance your academic journey, these sessions are designed to help you succeed.

Save the date, mark your calendars, and make the most of this chance to get back on track. Further details and registration information will follow soon. Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to achieve your academic goals.

Stay tuned for more updates, and we look forward to your active participation in the Credit Recovery sessions!

Prepárate para provechar la oportunidad de recuperar créditos! Nos entusiasma el anunciar que tendremos, de febrero a marzo, nuestras próximas sesiones de recuperación de créditos. Si te interesa en ponerte al día en créditos faltantes o mejorar tu trayectoria académica, estas sesiones están designadas para ayudarte a lograrlo.

Reserva la fecha, marca en tus calendarios y aprovecha esta oportunidad para nivelarte. Mas detalles e información de registro estarán pronto disponibles. No pierdas esta valiosa oportunidad de alcanzar tus objetivos académicos.

Permanece atento para más actualizaciones y esperamos tu participación en las sesiones de recuperación de créditos.


HEY Tutors

Greetings Students,

Join us for Math Tutoring during lunch, hosted by HEY Tutors! Whether you’re tackling complex equations or seeking extra practice, our skilled tutors are here to provide personalized assistance and support. Bring your questions, homework, or simply your enthusiasm to delve deeper into the world of mathematics. This is a fantastic opportunity to strengthen your math skills in a relaxed and friendly environment. Lunchtime math tutoring is not just about solving problems—it’s about unlocking your potential and building confidence in your mathematical abilities. Don’t miss out on this chance to make lunchtime a time of growth and learning. We look forward to seeing you for tutoring in the College and Career Center!