English Language Development

English Language Development

ORHS EL Mission:

Support the growth of every English Language Learner to academic and social fluency in English. Also encourage students to excel linguistically and become culturally empowered individuals in a technology driven global society.

ELD 7/8 is accepted as part of the “B” section (English) of the “a – g” requirements.

The following courses are offered in the ELD department:

  • English Language Development 1/2
  • English Language Development 3/4
  • English Language Development 5/6
  • English Language Development 7/8

ELD Common Core Standards

CDE EL Resources and Guidelines

CABE: California Association for Bilingual Education


The following terms are regularly used in the English Language Development Program:

ELD: English Language Development
EL: English Learners
LEP: Limited English Proficient
FEP: Fluent English Proficient
IFEP: Initial Fluent English Proficient, when the student is first identified and after taking the Initial CELDT demonstrates English fluency
CELDT: California English Language Development Test
Initial CELDT: The test given to the student when he/she is first identified as an EL.
Annual CELDT: The test given in the fall once the student is enrolled in the ELD Program and has not achieved reclassification status.
RFEP: The student has achieved language fluency and changes from the status of English Learner to the Reclassified Fluent English Proficient designation.
ELAC: English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) composed of primarily EL parents
DELAC: District-level English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) composed of primarily EL parents
SEI: Sheltered English Emersion courses
SDAIE: Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English
CLAD (Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development): Certification for a teaching credential that authorizes teachers to work with English Learners