
Library Online Catalog (link only works inside the school library)
Email Tosca Alloway ( if you need information about a book available at the library.
Technology Resources
- Laptop/Tablet Responsibilities Agreement
- Online Textbooks Access Form (English)
- Online Textbooks Access Form (Spanish)
**Ask the librarian for the username and password
- CultureGrams [provides in-depth and up-to-date country information]
- eLibrary
- General reference aggregation of periodical and digital media content with editorial guidance for novice researchers. Two unique interfaces available.
- ProQuest Central Student
- Millions of articles from more than 10,000 full-text scholarly journals.
- ProQuest Research Companion
- Information literacy tools and tutorials to help develop critical thinking.
- SIRS Issues Researcher
- Curriculum-aligned database of content organized by complex issues, ideally for middle and high school students and educators.
- School & Educators Complete
- eBook subscription database (over 12,000 titles) to support multiple subject areas (English Language Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies, Health, Physical Education, Information Literacy and Technology)
- EBSCOhost (Research Database)
- Research and Citation Guidelines
- Encyclopedia Britannica
Library Rules
- No food or drinks inside the library
Library Staff
Library Media Teacher: Shawn Pomatto (
Library Technician: Tosca Alloway (
Library hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 AM – 3:40 PM
Phone: (619) 591-5031
Technology Staff
IT Technician: David Alfaro